Sunday, May 9, 2010

Part two

Wait a minute, that isn't where I'm supposed to be feeling something coming out! I start to scream. I'm yanking on that little string that hangs on the bathroom wall. I'm delivering my son Joshua in a toilet. I'm yelling at him "don't you die!!!" There are nurses and doctors and poles and tubing and wires all in a bathroom no bigger than a closet. As they take my son to the NICU, they pull me across the room to the bed and my water comes gushing out all over the floor and then I'm up on the bed. Little Kevin comes out and I don't even get to see him. Off he goes to the NICU. I'm all alone, my friends have all left, my husband is on the road. No cell phones for the common people then. There is more rushing and yelling and people in and out of the room. They are alive and breathing on ventilators. That is all I know. My husband rushes in. GO FIND MY BABIES!!!! He finds them and comes back and says they are doing well but they are so small. It seemed like forever before they let me come and see them. I had to go in a wheel chair, I would have crawled! It was probably four hours. I had to be cleaned up, the room had to be cleaned up and they had to be settled. When I did see them, I couldn't touch them. They were in warmer beds with plastic wrap covering them. You see there little bodies and skin are still so sensitive, some one walking by would feel like a tornado to them. It would be three days before I saw pictures of their faces with out tape and tubes. It would be two days before I got to touch them. It would be weeks before I held Joshua. It was 2 weeks til I held Kevin.

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