Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bad Mom?

I know we shouldn't have laughed, but man did we laugh. We have the stomach bug here at our house and it is pretty amazing. It involves much moaning and groaning and pooping and crying and vomiting, lots and lots of vomiting. One started on Sunday. My little drama queen. She moaned and groaned for hours and then pooped. I think she had one vomit. I know, your asking me, why are you sharing all this. Well it is all a set up for why we were busting up last night.
Next day my big girl came down. She must be part vampire cuz she went white. There was a little moaning and she is sensitive to the sound of vomiting so I kept asking her if she needed to VVVOOMMMITT. It would make her smile and then moan some more. I then took my healthy girls to dance. When I got home, number three was down for the count. He doesn't do well with sickness of any sort. He did his one vomit and laid down and moaned and moaned and moaned. My last two healthy girls thought it was great to take care of them and to pick what they wanted for dinner since the others weren't eating. Cheesy egg omelets with salsa. Do you know what's coming next? About eight thirty my little one who we have to shove into bed every night with much screaming and hollering, tells me she is tired. Then it happened. All Over. She runs to bathroom and it was like that scene with Eddie Murphy in Daddy Daycare. This child spewed Everywhere. That is when we started laughing, The baby is crying and we are chuckling it up. What else can you really do when the whole house smells and there is "stuff" everywhere and there is lots of tears and you just know that you are next. Little man is getting mad at his stomach cuz he just wants to sleep. And yelling at it. Okay, that is funny. Ever seen a thirteen year old yelling at his stomach? Poor fellow was up til two thirty yelling at his stomach. I just laughed. At least I stayed up with him. That was a good mom thing. Even if I covered the sofa with a water proof sheet and told them all that no one was allowed to be sick on my new furniture. And I kicked off the one with the least vomiting and told her to go find another bed so I didn't have to share a sofa with a sick kid. But I emptied buckets and wiped heads and mouths. So I think I evened out.

1 comment:

  1. Most definitely! Oh my...it makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. :-/
