Saturday, September 11, 2010

Only for a short time more

Well, we are still here. This short time is getting to be a little longer than I thought it would be.

Everyone has moments, including myself.

The children are turning out to be my strength. They all need a little extra attention, but it's usually just a hug or a quick ride to the store for one on one time that works. They have figured out how to keep the house from blowing up. My big girl has become quite creative with her cooking and figuring out what to fix for each meal for our allergy ridden family. I am so proud of her! The bickering is high, but that really isn't new. It just seems like more because the referee is gone. They have been making more cookies. I like cookies.

Mom in law is getting better. I know she is because she is getting darn mean. No one can do anything right. The last two weeks have been pretty scary. She swelled up so big and didn't care what happened to her. She was nice. That was way weird. She got worse and worse and taking more and more pills. We finally had the head doctor take her off of everything so that her kidneys could start to heal. Whenever they work on her pressure or her edema, she gets worse. So it is a waiting game. She is finally starting to get some of the swelling down. Her arms and feet are starting to look normal again. Her face is starting to look more normal. She started getting really bad tremors from being so off balance in her blood chemicals and all the meds and the all the swelling. Today tremors are almost gone.

Mentally, she doesn't see or feel the changes. So she is complaining more. That there is proof she is doing better. She no longer wants any visitors. Yup, that sounds more like her. Everyone is stealing her stuff. Mmhmm, that's normal. Like any one would really want her used saline bottle. Oh well. She is complaining about the nasty food and refusing to eat. That is more like the real her.

For me it is hard to see her in the extremes. When she was so passive, it broke my heart. That was not the woman I have known for 27 years. Watching the nurses and doctors harming her is hard. But that is post all in itself. Watching her age before my eyes is hard. To see her go from a very vigorous woman that we could never track down because she was out running the streets, to someone who can barely stand to get to the commode is tough. Listening to her talk in her sleep is pretty funny though.

I'll let my sweetheart talk about his travels on this path. It is complicated.

Our grown son is having to actually grow up. Until now, he has been able to do whatever he feels like for the most part. He is having to take care of things around the house more and will be more responsible for maintaining things. We are all going to have to learn how to cook different now. She has been put on a renal diet which is sort of the opposite of her diabetic diet. This should be interesting. I will be pre-making all her meals and color coding meals. I'm trying to figure out how to make it all part of our homeschooling. I see math, science, reading, research, and home economics. All the food she loves is pretty much off limits now. My son says "Are you ready for a fight?" Yeah, I'm ready, bring it on!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Only for a short time

Summer has come to an end here at our house. Not because school has started or the weather has changed or anything good like that. My mom-in-law had to go into the hospital because of some crazy high blood pressure. Because my sweetheart is an only child, and he works hard so that I can stay home and be a full time stay at home mommy and teacher, I've been the one who is able to go and be with her at the hospital. I never knew how tiring sitting all day can be. I never realized how much moving around I did, even when staying home all day, I'm getting stiff from just sitting.
My mom-in-law is 82, almost 83 and has up until now been pretty self sufficient. She still drives well and keeps her house and goes and takes care of her friends. She is honery as all get out and can be a bit of a challenge to those around her when she makes up her mind. I told one of her friends of over 50 years that she was in the hospital and she did a spot on impression of mom in law saying, "don't tell me what to do, I know what I'm doing!" It was pretty funny. Now she gets tired out walking to the bathroom. We walked down the hospital hall twice yesterday and both times required an hour recovery and a nap. It isn't easy for her. She gets very frustrated not being able to do the things she wants and to eat the things she wants. The diet is very restrictive and dry for her tastes.
I do have to say she is being very gracious to the medical staff. Although I sometimes wish she would show her true self, because maybe they may work a little faster on getting her out. We seem to do a lot of waiting. She is in a teaching hospital which means lots and lots of interns and we don't often see the same doc twice. The nursing staff is on twelves so we have one at night and one during the day. But, that also means that we get a new nurse every three days. So just as she gets used to one nurse and is more open with what is ailing her and they are seeing her daily changes, we get a new nurse and have to start the whole trust thing all over again. Ugggh! Then silly things like letting her have tea for breakfast the day she is supposed to have stress test because they were unaware of the appointment, happen. So now we get to stay one more day. One more day of not knowing what is causing the issue. But God is good and maybe this happened so that the medical staff noticed how much her blood chemistry levels are levels are dropping and that wouldn't have been as noticeable if we went home sooner. Who knows, only the Creator.
My kids are starting to show some signs of stress and that makes me sad. My youngest climbed into my bed and said "Mom, I miss you!" Well, who can kick her out after that? So I now have a kid back in my bed. My pre-teen broke down and admitted that she was sad that Gma might die. We had the same talk with the new teen three days ago. One keeps making notes and letters to take to her. My new adult says being a grown up isn't fun. She has had to take over refereeing the hoard and isn't handling it so well. Their daily behaviour is the same but she doesn't like being the boss. They don't like her being the boss either. I told them it is only for a short time. I really pray that it is only for a short time.
Sweetheart is doing surprising well with all this. Don't take me wrong, there is plenty of stress do to this and all the stuff at home and the stuff at work. But he is so kind to the medical staff that is taking care of his mom. It is hard when you are an awesome nurse and you watch others who aren't taking care of your loved ones. He hasn't once jumped in, he just waits til they're gone to "fix" things. And even though he isn't getting the answers he wants and feels like no one is really looking at the whole picture, or moving fast enough, he hasn't put a boot in any ones butt. ^.^ I really am proud of him. He is a really good son.
And now my house is falling apart around the edges. Mentally, emotionally and well physically now too. The main living spaces are clean, mostly. I have been very diligent in teaching my children how to clean the house and giving them chores and responsibilities. I didn't think I really did that much myself anymore. But I guess I do cuz things are getting a little crazy. It is a good thing there are lots of doors in our house to close things behind.^.^ Only for a short time.
Well the hoard is stirring and I don't want to take any more time from them, so if you could pray for us all during this trying time I would appreciate it.