Monday, February 1, 2010

That's Just Doozie

I went to the hairdressers this last week. Is that the politically correct term? Any how, it is amazing how a fresh new doo will lift your spirits. The lady that I've been going to is totally awesome and does such a fantastic job! I hated it when I would go someplace and they would do my hair and I would look like a little old lady from the 70's when I left. Would they go out looking like that? Then I would have to go straight home and "fix" it before anyone saw. The last person who did my hair was pretty good except I always came home with the same hairstyle she had. That was fine until she cut her hair way short and I didn't want that look so I canceled my next appointment. With this new lady, I go as long as I can before I wash it because it always looks so good when she is done. I feel a foot taller, 10lbs lighter and absolutely gorgeous. The shop is called That's Just Doozie and is located in University Place. Bobbi, the lady with the magic scissors, is so sweet and has the most calming voice, I enjoy spending time with her. I did my hair myself today and it still looks pretty darn good. I love my fresh new doo!


  1. You looked lovely the last time I saw you, my friend! :o)

  2. Oh yeah, that doo is just gorgeous, my dear! When I went to 'beauty school' we were called hairstylists. Not sure what the current term is, though :-)
