Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our first adventure of the summer

This past couple of weeks have been sprinkled with days of sun and warmth hinting at summer as spring often does. The team and I had our first adventure of the season. It was just a local trip to our local little zoo, but it was fun. We were joined by friends and had a good time looking at all the animals that we all know so well. From the elephants to the walruses (or is it walri or walrusen?) we giggled and laughed. This visit there was a speaker in the Asian Animal display and the kids asked questions and learned something new which is the real purpose of our adventures. They had the most fun rolling down the hill over and over again with all their friends.


  1. I'm so glad y'all could get out and enjoy the bits of summer peeking out :-)

    Gotta keep that house clean... lol!

    love you guys!

  2. Yeah, I'm glad you got to out adventuring, my friend.


  3. Ohhhh SPRING... I am getting your rain AGAIN. 5 more inches this week. Please come take it back

  4. Rebecca, I'm reading your blog tonight -- what fun! Thanks for the zoo trip. It was delightful!

