Thursday, March 4, 2010

As I sit here among the chaos of my children, I have to thank God for giving me such an awesome family. Sure they are highly excitable, but that just brings more excitement, right? I mean life's boring chores, like picking up your designated area, just wouldn't be as fun without at least one shouting match about who left what in whose area. And how boring would life be if everyone thought that "it" was fair? Then I wouldn't have to explain that a fair is a place where you are judged and slaughtered (Grandma had a steer once). Now that isn't really what you want, is it? And with out this amazing crew, I would not find pure joy by going to the bathroom...without being called, intruded upon or cried at. How boring would my life be if walking through the back room wasn't a maze of crayons, plaster ( from the Dalek project) and encyclopedia castles. (I knew they would be good for homeschooling). If all the laundry was ever all done, what would I do while watching Barbie Island Princess for the 124th time? And if it weren't for my darlings, how would I ever be able to pass on all the things my mother used to say to me and my brothers and share what a conniption really was? I really do love to see all my younglings tucked away in their beds, their eyes closed and their voices still. It really touches my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Love your definition of 'fair' - you are an amazing woman! *chuckling* :o)
