Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Visit

This whole shingle/hip thing is making me crazy. I went to the doc primarily about my hips and what does she say....lose weight.....thanks, that was worth the 40 min. drive and copay. Nothing she can do. For the shingles, she gave me some anti-itch medicine that I think really works. I say think because I passed out and slept for the 6 hours it said it was good for. If I was itching, I had no memory of it. Calamine is going to have to do the trick during the day. She gave me no end date, she said it just depends. Not on what, but that it just depends. Well, I did get some good sleep...scratch scratch scratch....

So I guess I just keep moving on, resting when I have to. I was just thinking that every time I get really going on a diet and workout regime, something happens. I sprain an ankle, get swine flu, hurt my shoulder, shingles. I'm wonder if I really am allergic to vegetables ^.^!


  1. Oh man, I hate this! Depends. Depends?? What the heck does that mean? I could have told you that for free! Argh!

    So, can you do slow stretching-type moves, just to keep your muscles active while you supervise from the couch? Are you able to take slower walks at the Y, or are you not able or feeling well enough to go? How 'bout fasting once a week to continue your detox/diet routine? (just trying to brainstorm some ideas that will help you stick to your plan despite the obstacles).

    You are awesome and I want to help you as much as I can - *cheer, cheer, cheer*

    your cheerleader,
    Liz :-)

  2. . I was just thinking that every time I get really going on a diet and workout regime, something happens. I sprain an ankle, get swine flu, hurt my shoulder, shingles. I'm wonder if I really am allergic to vegetables ^.^!

    Now I need a new key board!! You made me spit my drink out I was laughing so hard! (9get well soon my dear friend!)
