I never had any concerns about having a multi racial family. My mom is white, my dad is Mexican. I was an army brat and was used to seeing mixed families all my life. That is one of the many blessings of being raised in the military, I never experienced racism. So when I married my sweetheart, it didn't even occur to me that it would be an issue for some people. My biggest concern was how was I going to do my children's hair. Now that may sound funny, but it was a real concern.
That is what this post is about. Hair. Lots and lots and lots of hair. My boys are easy. Short. Once a month I shave my sweetheart bald and take a 1/4 blade to my boy. The girls are a totally different story. I start Friday night on them to have them all done by 1o AM on Saturday for schul. That doesn't count me.
I am grateful that God gave the most amazingly patient child as my first girl. She would sit as a toddler and watch Little Mermaid and let me learn on her head how to braid and care for super curly hair. Of all of them, hers is the hardest to care for. She has A LOT of many colored, textured, and different degrees of curly hair. It took a while and a few lessons from friends and my mom-n-law but I got it. I was definitely ready when the next girl showed up. She had my hair! Easy peasy. Then the third girl came along and that was a whole new learning curve. She had my texture, but her daddy's curl. Super tight. But I figured it out. Then came girl 4. That too has been a different experience. She has my texture and big spiral curls. Easy to care for, if she wasn't a tender head and a big baby about it. I can set the brush on her head, and she will say ow. All of them have lots of thick hair. Praise God for a sweetheart who can pull hair from a drain with minimal grossing out.
All this to tell a funny story. This morning my oldest comes down with her hair in a cone after a particularly itchy night. The third looks at her and says "You look like a dinosaur used your head like a binky!" It did too.