Friday, August 5, 2011

Birthday Parties

Birthday parties. Do you have them? Do you do the whole themed, crafty, matchy matchy thing? Since I've started blogging and blog hopping, I have to say that I do have a little mom guilt about birthday parties. Not that it lasts long really. I think we have had a total of 4 parties for the six kids we have. And none of them were much of a themed thing. I think I did a princess thing way back, but that was it. There would just be too many. If I did these elaborate parties for all of them, I would be so broke. Even if I thrifted and hand made all these neat little projects. Time is money too people!
So yeah, don't do the birthday party thing. But we do have a big tadoo Bar/Bat Mitzvah thing. That is my excuse, um I mean reason, we don't do parties. Yeah, that sounds good.
If I only had one or two kids, though, I'm sure I would totally be into giving a Star Wars, Dr. Who, Hello Kitty, Barbie, Circus themed party with hours and hours of work put into them that the twenty three year olds will never remember.

ps. We do have a special birthday week for each birthday child, so they don't miss out on anything but the party.

1 comment:

  1. I used to do the big birthday party thing, but there came a point where I put on the brakes. Too much work, too many expectations, too unrealistic. Birthday weeks are good, though :-)
