Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Too Early

Seriously, it was six in the morning when I got up today. Does my Mind not know that it does NOT function this early! All I can do is sit around and goof on the computer. I could be sleeping here Mind. But no, my Mind has a mind of its own. Thank goodness my Body isn't listening to it and is still just resting with a warm seven year old being my heat source. There is nothing for the Mind to do, it has everything under control, it's the Body that needs to get up and do some work. And it knows just what to do at six in the morning....nothing, absolutely nothing. Besides, I don't want to wake the kids too early. That would make them grumps and that will make me cranky and I'm already tired.

1 comment:

  1. Oy! Perhaps a little distraction when Mind pulls this again...say a good book?

