Monday, May 30, 2011

Another St.Vinnies Trip

It has been wonderful getting back in the swing of things. Mom in law is doing so much better, and driving herself to and from dialysis. I pretty much have my time back! And after two weeks of this, and no extra curricula we are finally getting back in the swing of things. My house is back to its pretty normal flow.
So on Friday, we went to St. Vinnies and boy did we find some bargains.
It started with this huge box of macramé stuff. Now I’m not taking on a new hobby, but I see hours and hours of fun for kids in the back yard with all this rope. And when we got home and we were all going over our finds the first thing the kids said was “we can make a hammock!” Yup, hours of fun.

I got these little kitchen items and a mixing bowl and a bowl for all the apples we’ve been eating and CLOTHESPINS!!!

We found some sheets. Some for fabric, some for sheets. There are three twins and a set of king sized.

And a set of Curious George pajamas and a t-shirt and some baking pans I’ve been looking for and a pattern and a bowl sieve that is just the right size…

And this picnic set (one of the kids just HAD to have it) and a hand cranked grinder…

And the most adorable I LOVE LUCY dress EVER!!! And it fits her like a dream. Looking at the seams and label, I’m pretty sure this is a vintage dress.

So, the final price tag, $58.60.

p.s. The king sized sheets ended up having two top sheets, but they still work and feel so nice. I love the feel of new sheets with a high thread count! Especially when they cost a dollar a piece!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Well, it started out all harmless like. My sweet heart was vacuuming off the back of the dryer, making us stay all safe like when bam, it happened. He plugged it back in and the whole house flickered. He was fine, but my dryer hasn't come back on since. Soooo, since we are not going into debt, we are saving to get the dryer fixed. And hanging up the laundry to dry. Now if you live in other places in this great nation, you might not think this is a big deal, but this is the Pacific North West. Which equals rain. Lots and lots of rain. And if not rain, overcast. Even on nice days, we often have fog in the morning. So if you are from CA you really don't want to move here. (Just kidding, if your my cousins, but everyone else only sorta kidding)
Any way, that means we get creative. So we rigged this little set up.
It mostly works. But it only allows for two loads a day. Sometimes it really feels like an old time laundry in here. I have two of these racks.
They hold lots of socks and unmentionables. We put them in front of the furnaces. Yup, it's May and they are still popping on. Global warming my patootie! In the storage room we have a space heater and fan going to keep things drying down there. I hope my curtains are keeping my food storage cool enough.
For the most part, although a little inconvenient it hasn't been too bad. I have to wonder if the whole sorting clothes thing harkens back to the old days when there were no dryers. We seldom sort clothes around here. With modern dyes and the fact that none of my family get really super dirty or stinky, I just throw every thing in. I use the Amway laundry system, and I put the same stuff in no matter what the color or fabric. Between modern dyes and thrifting, nothing we have fades or runs so all in one load it goes. Then all in the dryer it would go and that was it. Now I can see why we might start sorting. Towels take a long time to dry. So do jeans. And they both take a lot of room on the line. Eight towels works really good like this. Jeans too, leaving the line for lots of smaller things.
Pluses for hanging laundry: *No getting behind on laundry. Ever, it just doesn't go well. *Matching socks is much easier. I don't know why, just is. * Kids who don't like hanging clothes wear them more often before throwing them in the laundry. Because it is true that you don't have to wash a dress you wore for an hour while playing steampunk. And jeans really do look fine the second and third day as long as you don't leave them in a puddle when you take them off and irons do wonders. *My electric bill has gone down even with the fan and heater going. * Laundry gets done faster when you don't have to wait for the dryer to get done. * Clothes and sheets and towels that have hung outside smell so wonderful, especially sheets.* Things get folded right off the line and hence don't sit in a mound on my sofa for days.*There for there is less ironing. That and we learned that if you pop the clothes before you hang them, they dry smooth.
Minuses for hanging laundry: * The reason they get folded so fast, is that they are hard as a board. Think clothes origami. *Towels are rough. I mean, lets have a brisking flaying after every shower. * When it rains, we have the laundry everywhere in house. * Laundry happens every day. (That is kinda a plus too.) * Crunchy towels makes going into more debt sound not so terrible on some days.
All in all, it is dealable. But some days I must admit we do end up here.

Not to often though.
p.s. Do you know how hard it is to find clothespins around here?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


One of the blessings I've had this last week is my truck got fixed. We have a friend who works for Ford who does the work for barter in his off time. This time, I tutored his son. He had a science fair project due the next day, and had done nothing. So in 2 1/2 hours, we did a project. It was fun. He started off pretty bored. It took about half an hour to warm him up. That is when I remembered why I decided not to go into teaching. Then I watched this kid's eyes light up and to start to get into his project and it was very satisfying. Then, I remembered why I went into teaching.

When I was much younger, I think I was in the second grade, I decided I wanted to be a teacher. Which is funny cuz I hated school. I think I just liked being the boss of people. And as I entered the job world I realized that my dreams way outmatched the salary of a teacher. But, when I went into college, I got a teaching degree anyway. I really loved those light up the eyes moments.

Then I got married. I brought a dog into the marriage, my sweetheart a five year old boy. We quickly had a little girl and I never went back to work. When my husband left the military, we moved into a neighbor hood that was not can I say this... nice. As we were unpacking the moving truck a small group of boys the same age as my son were walking down the street cursing and smoking. He was nine. I was not happy. I decided right then and there to homeschool.

That was 16 years ago. Homeschooling wasn't cool back then. Hardly anyone was doing it. There weren't many choices as far as curriculum was concerned. Everyone looked at us like we were crazy and thought we were destroying our kids. All I did was to bring school home. There were desks, and schedules and uniforms. I know, crazy huh. But it was all I knew. And by December, I was ready to be done. For five years, every December, I was ready to be done. Then I met someone who suggested we take the month of December off. Really, it is that simple? It worked and to this day, December is a pretty low academic month. We still do lots, just not book work.

That was such a freeing moment. It totally changed how I saw schooling my kids. Just in time too, cuz with a bunch of little ones all starting about the same time, I would have gone nuts. Now we are almost un-schoolers. We still do book work. I think there is merit in that. But mostly we follow what interests our kids.

One of the things I take for granted homeschooling for as long as we have been is that I have a house full of kids who love to learn. There are always projects going on around here. And since every moment is a teaching moment, I can almost always turn whatever it is they are working on into a school lesson. Some one's eyes are always lit up with excitement about something they are learning about. I think I get more joy from my teaching degree homeschooling than I would working in a school. And, I think our principal is very cute too.

p.s. Speaking of is phase one of the steampunk gun. You can't tell as well in the picture, but the dark color is gun metal and the light color is actually copper.